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Psychological counseling

The psychologists of the Studierendenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz offer all students individual counseling in person, via video or telephone.

Studying often brings many changes – a new city, new friends, a new apartment, a new role as a student, and a new way of learning. All of these are wonderful challenges – but it is easy to feel overwhelmed. The team of psychological counseling at the Student Services is here to listen to your small and large concerns and supports you professionally and confidentially.

Our Offer 

    • Free short- and medium-term individual psychological counseling
    • In-person, by phone, or via video
    • For all types of crises and Psychological strains – whether university-related or personal
    • For all types of psychological symptoms such as (exam) anxiety, depression, addiction, loneliness, or lack of direction
    • Networking with other support services and assistance in finding a therapy place
    • Study counseling, help with procrastination
    • Group offerings and lectures on the topic of mental health (see below)
    • In German and English
    • The counseling is subject to medical confidentiality


The easiest way to book an appointment is via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Contact persons

Martina Nigl Bewerbungsfoto4  Annika Dehmel Bewerbungsfoto
Martina Nigl (Psych., M.Sc.) Annika Dehmel (Psych., M.Sc.)
Tel: +49 941 943 -3140
Tel: +49 941 943 -3270
Universität Passau 
Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger Str. 30/ 1. OG/ Zi 129 
94032 Passau
OTH Regensburg - Building V - Room V 003
Seybothstraße 2
93053 Regensburg

Office hours:
(Consultation by phone)

Mon: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Wed: 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Thu: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Fri: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and by arrangement

out of office:
16.08.2024, 26.08.2024, 04.09.2024
09.09.2024 up to and including 17.09.2024,
08.10.2024 up to and including 15.10.2024,
02.12.2024, 23.12.2024 up to and including 01.01.2025.
Representation: Counseling staff

Office hours:
(Consultation by phone)
Tue: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Thu: 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Fri: 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. and by arrangement


out of office:

23rd of September - 7th of October 2024

In an emergency, contact the Bavarian Crisis Service on 0800 / 655 300, which is available around the clock! 

Our current group offers and lectures

Overcoming fears - finding security (interactive workshop)

 Ängste bewältigen NEU Website

Knowledge transfer and learning techniques for self-soothing
Imagination exercises, physical exercises and work in small groups
For anyone who wants to learn something new with others

Developing mental strength through positive psychology (interactive workshop)

 Mental stark NEU Website

Well-being and happiness
Personal character strengths
Self-criticism and inner mindfulness
Increase your academic & personal potential

Links to current workshop dates: see our German Website !!!

Resilzienz Foto Website

„Resilienz im Studienalltag“ (Online lecture in German)

Thursday, June 20, 2024 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Link to the current offers: Please see our German Website !!!

 wegweiser bild website

„Wege zur psychischen Gesundheit: Ein Info-Vortrag über Psychotherapie, Beratung, Selbsthilfe und weitere Perspektiven“ (Online lecture in German)

Dates in May 2024 for Deggendorf and Passau
Links to the current offers: Please see our German Website !!!