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Cost of living

© DSW /Jan Eric Euler

Study expenses vary greatly. The amount of the costs depends, for example, on the age of the student and the type of accommodation. Nevertheless, there are guidelines for the monthly expenses of German students. They average around € 867 per month (source: updated calculation based on the 21st social survey by Deutsches Studentenwerk, 2019)

Monthly charges   

Rent (including additional costs) 332,- euros
Food 154,- euros
Clothing 48,- euros
Travel costs (car / public transport) 116,- euros
Health 96,- euros
Telephone / Internet / radio TV fees 32,- euros
Working materials / learning aids (books, etc.) 24,- euros
Leisure, culture and sport 65,- euros
Total of
867,- euros

This does not include the semester fees that have to be paid at the beginning of the semester for new enrollments or re-registrations. In particular, rental costs across Germany can vary greatly from city to city.

More information about the monthly costs of studying in Germany: