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BAföG - your suitability assessor

© DSW /Jan Eric Euler

What is a suitability assessor? ("Eignungsgutachter")

Suitability assessors are appointed by the respective university. Usually, they are full-time members of the teaching staff, e.g. professors, doctors, lecturers.

What are the tasks of suitability assessors?

Their task is to check the eligibility of BAföG recipients and to issue Form 05 - Certificate of Academic Achievement (Leistungsbescheinigung) according to Section 48 BAföG - for this purpose.

You can download it here as a PDF file.

The suitability assessment is the responsibility of the competent suitability assessor. It is based on the performances achieved up to the time of the assessment (such as course attendance and tutorial certificates, examinations, etc.). Each suitability assessor decides independently what the suitability assessor wants to be submitted for assessment. However, if a suitability assessor is ever reluctant to confirm the evidence (i.e., positive confirmation of the student's normal academic achievements), he or she does not necessarily mean you any harm personally. What suitability assessor know: Those who at the end of their studies do not complete their studies within the maximum period of support must be able to give an important reason for the delay. Once the certificate of achievement has been issued, it is logically no longer possible to invoke possible reasons for delay prior to the issue.

When must the Certificate of Academic Achievement according to § 48 BAföG be submitted?

The law states that from the fifth semester onwards, student financial aid is only provided from the time when the student has submitted a certificate issued by the educational institution after the beginning of the fourth semester stating that he/she has achieved the usual performance in the orderly course of his/her education up to the end of the respective semester. In other words, student financial aid is awarded for the first four semesters of study without the need to present the Certificate of Academic Achievement. But with the BAföG application for the fifth semester, the Certificate of Academic Achievement must usually be submitted. Please note, however, that there are exceptions, e.g. due to the Corona pandemic.

What are your duties as a student?

Of course, towards the end of the fourth semester you have to contact the responsible suitability assessor yourself. Those who have not achieved the usual performance at that time lose their entitlement to support until they can prove by a positive suitability assessment that they have made up for their performance deficit.

For each main subject (e.g. teaching profession with 2 subjects, Bachelor's programme with 2 main subjects) a suitability assessment must be submitted (certificate of achievement).

Please note the special provisions governing the pandemic semesters (2020 Spring Term, 2020/2021 Fall Term, 2021 Spring Term and 2021/2022 Fall Term)!

As a general rule, no student financial aid will be granted after the 5th major-specific semester unless the student has provided evidence attesting to achievement of his/her normal academic proficiency level by that date. The exact provisions are set forth in Section 48 subsection (1) BAföG (German Student Financial Assistance Program). Evidence attesting to normal academic performance is provided by Form 5, which is issued by the BAföG eligibility reviser (a full-time faculty member). Presentation of this FORM IS MANDATORY to be considered eligible for BAföG student assistance beginning in the 5th major-specific semester.

For each pandemic semester (2020 Spring Term, 2020/2021 Fall Term, 2021 Spring Term and 2021/2022 Fall Term) which coincided with any of your program's first four semesters, the submission deadline for your academic achievement records will be postponed by one semester (in analogous application of Art. 99 para. (2) of the Bavarian University and College Act (BayHSchG)). However, this provision only applies as long as you were enrolled in a degree program at one of our universities and were not on leave of absence during any of these semesters.

Example: Students for whom the 2020 Spring Term was their fourth major-specific semester are actually required to submit your academic achievement records attesting to having achieved the normal academic proficiency level for four semesters by the end of their 4th semester in order to be considered eligible for BAföG funding in their 5th semester, i.e., the 2020/2021 Fall Term. However, it is now possible to postpone submission of their Certificate of Academic Achievement (Leistungsbescheinigung) by four semesters. Hence, it is sufficient for students to prove that they have achieved their normal academic proficiency level required in four semesters by the end of the 2022 Spring Term, even though in our example case the 2022 Spring Term is already the 8th semester. This means that students are granted an additional four semesters to achieve their normal academic proficiency level expected for four semesters.

So what to do if the certificate of achievement is not issued?

There is also a recipe for this: Apply to the Office for Education and Training Assistance for postponement of the certificate of achievement for a reasonable period of time and state the reason for the delay. If the reason is serious, your application can be granted. Otherwise, you have to make up the performance deficit as quickly as possible, as hard as that may be.

The legal basis and possible reasons for postponing the certificate of achievement are described on the back of Form 5.

Background: BAföG offers students the possibility of postponing submission of their academic achievement records, i.e., in justified exceptional cases students may be granted extra time for submitting evidence of their normal academic proficiency level, Section 48 subsection (2) in conjunction with Section 15 subsection (3) BAföG (German Student Financial Assistance Program). This means that unavoidable interruptions of a student's university studies through no fault of the student may constitute good cause within the meaning of Section 15 subsection (3), number (1) BAföG (German Student Financial Assistance Program). According to Section 48 subsection (2) BAföG (German Student Financial Assistance Program), the submission deadline for academic achievement records may also be postponed accordingly.

Please note the special provisions governing the pandemic semesters (2020 Spring Term, 2020/2021 Fall Term, 2021 Spring Term and 2021/2022 Fall Term)!

For students who were enrolled in a degree program at a state or state-recognized higher education institution during the 2020 Spring Term and who were not on leave of absence, the submission deadline for their academic achievement records will be postponed by between one and four semesters (in analogous application of Art. 99 of the Bavarian University and College Act (BayHSchG)) - see previous question.

Example: Students for whom the 2020 Spring Term was their fourth major-specific semester are actually required to submit their academic achievement records attesting to having achieved the normal academic proficiency level for four semesters by the end of their 4th semester in order to be considered eligible for BAföG funding in their 5th semester, i.e., the 2020/2021 Fall Term. However, it is now possible to postpone submission of their Certificate of Academic Achievement (Leistungsbescheinigung) by up to four semesters. Hence, it is sufficient for students to prove that they have achieved their normal academic performance level required in four semesters by the end of the 2022 Spring Term, even though in our example case the 2022 Spring Term is already the 8th semester. This means that students are granted an additional four semesters to achieve their normal academic proficiency level expected in four semesters.

In that case, however, no further reasons of delay arising from the 2020 Spring Term, the 2020/2021 Fall Term, the 2021 Spring Term or the 2021/2022 Fall Term will be, in general, accepted as all delays will be deemed compensated in full by the above postponement option.

However, where delays have already occurred prior to the pandemic, BAföG (German Student Financial Assistance Program) offers the possibility of further postponing the submission of students' academic achievement records in these cases.

The Amt für Ausbildungsförderung will check the causality based on academic progress (overview of the student's academic achievements in the individual semesters - passed and failed examinations) and based on the student's declaration.

Deadlines that you must observe?

As a first step when applying for BAföG after the 5th semester, please take note of the application deadlines for further BAföG funding. They must always be submitted two months before the end of the current approval period. If your approval expires in September of a year and your fifth semester is therefore the winter semester, you must submit your application for further support by 31 July of the year. If your approval expires in March of a year and your fifth semester is therefore the summer semester, you must submit your application for further support by 31 January of the year.

If you submit your certificate of achievement (form 5) to us at the same time as your application for further support within the above deadlines, the suitability assessor must confirm the usual performance status by the end of your third semester. As soon as you submit the certificate of achievement later, e.g. on 15 August of the year, you will be required to confirm your usual performances for four semesters.

Note: Make sure that you submit the certificate of achievement (Form 5) in good time.

Please note the special provisions governing the pandemic semesters (2020 Spring Term, 2020/2021 Fall Term, 2021 Spring Term and 2021/2022 Fall Term)!


 3rd 4th semester 5th semester 6th
Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
  Presentation of the certificate of achievement to the Office for Education and Training Assistance by 31 July;

Confirmation of performances of 3 semesters achieved until the end of March.
If the certificate of achievement is presented in the period from 1 August to 31 January, the performances of 4 semesters must be confirmed which were achieved by the end of September. If the certificate of achievement is presented as of 1 February, confirmation of the performances of 5 semesters achieved by March is necessary.
  This means that if you submit your application for further support for the 5th semester in good time by 31 July, the performance level of 3 semesters is sufficient. If you submit your application during this period, payment may be interrupted between the 4th and 5th semester.
If the application is received by the end of October, for example, but the certificate of achievement is not submitted until January, for example, retroactive approval can be granted from October.
Even if the application was already submitted in October, support can only be awarded from the time of submission of the certificate of achievement.

Suitability assessors, structured according to universities and fields of education

Technische Hochschule Deggendorf (THD)

All faculties
Prof. Dr. phil. Dipl.-Geogr. Marcus Herntrei
(Please submit applications to the Study Center)
Prof. Dr. Martina Heigl-Murauer
Substitute: Prof. Berg

The following suitability assessors have been appointed for degree programs at the Pfarrkirchen site of Deggendorf Institute of Technology (TH Deggendorf):

All faculties
Prof. Dr. Georg Steckenbauer

The following suitability assessors have been appointed for degree programs at the Cham site of Deggendorf Institute of Technology (TH Deggendorf):

All faculties
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wittmann

Hochschule Landshut

Internationale Betriebswirtschaft
Digitalisierung & Unternehmensgründung
Digitalisierung, Prozessoptimierung & Management
Prof. Dr. Michael Weisensee
Elektro- und Informationstechnik
Internationales Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
Automobilwirtschaft und –technik
Biomedizinische Technik
Intelligente Systeme und Smart Factory
Sustainable Industrial Operations and Business
Prof. Dr. Tippmann-Krayer (Dean)
Prof. Dr. Jaud (Vice Dean)
Digitales Verwaltungsmanagement
Künstliche Intelligenz
Prof. Dr. Scholz (Dean)
Automobil- u. Nutzfahrzeugtechnik
Additive Fertigung – Werkstoffe, Entwicklung und Leichtbau
Prof. Dr. Klaus (Chairman of the examination committee)
Soziale Arbeit
Kinder- und Jugendhilfe
Prof. Dr. Laub (Chairman of the examination committee)
Hebamme weiterqualifizierend
Hebamme primärqualifizierend  
Neue Medien und interkulturelle Kommunikation
Physician Assisteant/ Arztassistenz
Prof. Dr. Jörg (Dean)

Universität Passau

Juristische Fakultät  
Prof. Dr. Markus Würdinger
(BAföG commissioner of the faculty) 
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät  
B. Sc. Business Administration and Economics (BWL/VWL)
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krautheim (Dean of Studies)
B.Sc. Digital Transformation in Business and Society
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krautheim (Dean of Studies)
B. Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik (Information Systems)
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krautheim (Dean of Studies)
M.Sc. Business Administration
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krautheim (Dean of Studies)
M.Sc. International Economics and Business
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krautheim (Dean of Studies)
M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krautheim (Dean of Studies)
Fakultät für Informatik und Mathematik  
B.Sc. Informatik
Dr. Hans-Joachim Röder (until 30.09.2024)
B.Sc. Internet Computing
Dr. Hans-Joachim Röder (until 30.09.2024)
B.Sc. Mathematik
Dr. Hans-Joachim Röder (until 30.09.2024)
M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence Engineering
Dr. Hans-Joachim Röder (until 30.09.2024)
M.Sc. Informatik
Dr. Hans-Joachim Röder (until 30.09.2024)
M.Sc. Computational Mathematics
Dr. Hans-Joachim Röder (until 30.09.2024)
Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät   
Caritaswissenschaft und werteorientiertes Management (M.A.)
Dr. Manuel Stinglhammer
European Studies (B.A./M.A.)
Lisei Martin
European Studies Major (B.A.)
Lisei Martin
Historische Wissenschaften (B.A./M.A.)
Lisei Martin
Geschichte und Gesellschaft (M.A.)
Lisei Martin
Kulturwirtschaft / International Cultural and Business
Studies (B.A./M.A.)
Dr. Christian Dölle
Medien und Kommunikation (B.A./M.A.)
Dr. Christian Dölle
Sprach- und Textwissenschaften (B.A.)
Lisei Martin
Text- und Kultursemiotik (M.A.)
Lisei Martin
Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Bildungs- und Erziehungsprozesse (M.A.)
Matthias Fuchs, Isabella Karasek
Development Studies (M.A.)
Dr. Christian Dölle
Geographie: Kultur, Umwelt und Tourismus (M.A.)
Dr. Christian Dölle
Governance and Public Policy – Staatswissenschaften (B.A./M.A.)
Dr. Christian Dölle
Journalistik und Strategische Kommunikation (B.A.)
Dr. Michael Harnischmacher
Kommunikation in der digitalen Gesellschaft (M.A.)
Lisei Martin
Lehramtsbezogener Bachelorstudiengang Realschule (B.Ed.)
Matthias Fuchs, Isabella Karasek
Lehramt (Staatsexamen: Grundschule, Mittelschule, Realschule und Gymnasium)
Matthias Fuchs, Isabella Karasek

Universität Regensburg

Katholische Theologie Prof. Dr. Andreas Merkt
Substitute: Prof. Dr. Ute Leimgruber
Rechtswissenschaften Prof. Dr. Henning Müller
Substitute: Prof. Dr. Tonio Walter
Wirtschaftswissenschaften Prof. Dr. Fabian Kindermann
Substitute: Prof. Dr. Lea Cassar
Form 5 and the proof of studies must be submitted in advance to the office of the aptitude assessor.
Fakultät für Informatik und Data Science  
Informatik Prof. Dr. Juliane Krämer
Fakultät für Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Prof. Dr. Jenny Oesterle-El Nabbout (Dean)
Substitute: Prof. Dr. Eva Helene Odzuck (Vice Dean)
Form 5 and the study certificates must be submitted to the respective institutes.
Institut für Evangelische Theologie PD Dr. Stefan Scholz
Institut für Geschichte
Dr. Georg Köglmeier
Institut für Geographie Prof. Dr. Klein
Institut für Klassische Archäologie Tobias Wild
Institut für Kunsterziehung Dr. Susanne Starzinger
Institut für Kunstgeschichte Prof. Dr. Christoph Wagner
Institut für Musikwissenschaften Dr. Katelijne Schiltz (Musikwissenschaften)
Prof. Dr. Magnus Gaul (Musikpädagogik)
Institut für Philosophie Prof. Dr. Hans Rott
Institut für Politikwissenschaften Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling
Institut für Soziologie Dr. Gabriele Griese-Heindl
Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften
Prof. Dr. Gesine Dreisbach (Dean)
Prof. Dr. Sven Hilbert (Vice Dean)
Form 5 and the study certificates must be submitted to the respective institutes.
Institut für Psychologie Prof. Dr. Stefan Wüst
Institut für Bildungswissenschaft PD Dr. Suggate (Schuldpädagogik)
Georgina Koutsianikouli (Lernbehindertenpädagogik)
Katja Zimmermann (Pädagogik b. geistiger Behinderung)
Marius Cramer (Pädagogik b. Verhaltensstörungen)
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft
Barbara Hrabetz 
Institut für Sportwissenschaften Dr. Susanne Ziereis (Angewandte Bewegungswissenschaften)
Dr. Stefanie Pietsch (Sportpädagogik)
Fakultät für Sprach- und Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
Prof. Dr. Maria Selig (Dean)
Substitute: Prof. Dr. Gunther Hirschfelder (Vice Dean)
Form 5 and the study certificates must be submitted to the respective institutes.
Institut für Romanistik Laura Cano Caraballo
Bohemicum Prof. Dr. Marek Nekula
Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur
Dr. Bruno Olsson (allg. und vergl. Sprachwissenschaft)
PD Dr. Jürgen Reischer (Informationswissenschaft)
Dr. Raphael Wimmer (Medieninformatik)
Dr. Solveig Ottmann (Medienwissenschaft)
Patrick Pollmer (vergl. Kulturwissenschaft)
Institut für klassische Philologie
Prof. Dr. Jan-Wilhelm Beck (Latein)
Dr. Andreas Hagmaier
Dr. Rainer Held
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Dr. Birgit Hebel-Bauridl (Amerikanistik)
Dr. Martin Decker (Anglistik)
Dr. Florian Schleburg (engl. Sprachwissenschaft)
Institut Germanistik
Prof. Dr. Regine Weber (ÄdL)
Andreas Legner (deutsche Sprachwissenschaft)
Dr. Christian Steltz (NdL)
Prof. Dr. Maria Thurmair (DaF)
Institut für Slavische Philologie
Dr. Natalie Brüggemann
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Marek Nekula
Institiut für Klassische Philologie
Prof. Dr. Michael Krewet
Dr. Markus Gruber
Prof. Dr. Walter Gubler
Substitute: Prof. Dr. Felix Finster
Physik Prof. Dr. Vladimir Braun
Substitute: Prof. Dr. Christian Schüller
Chemie Prof. Dr. Enrico Tapavicza
Substitute: Prof. Dr. Jens Schlossmann
Prof. Dr. Jens Schlossmann
Substitute: Prof. Dr. Enrico Tapavicza
Biologie u. Vorklinikum Medizin
Prof. Dr. Frank Sprenger (Biologie, Biochemie, Lehrämter)
Substitute: Prof. Dr. Ralph Witzgall (medizinische Fächer)
Human Medizin Prof. Dr. Arne Kandulski
Substitute: Prof. Dr. Ernst-Michael Jung
Zahnmedizin Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hahnel
Substitute: Prof. Dr. Dr. Tobias Ettl

Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (OTH)

All faculties                            Prof. Dr. Birgit Rösel
Substitute: Prof. Dr. Oliver Steffens
Please submit Form 5 and the study certificates to the Service Office of the Department of Studies (Prüfeninger Str. 58), before the suitability assessor has signed them.

Hochschule für katholische Kirchenmusik 

All degree courses
Prof. Martin Kellhuber (Vice Dean)

TUM Campus Straubing

All degree courses             
Prof. Bastian Blombach and Elke Nothaft