9th Franco-German Photo Competition 2024

The Franco-German Photo Competition is a competition for students from Germany and France, jointly organized by the DSW, the Cnous, the Student Unions and the Crous. In 2024, it took place on the theme of "Mein Raum | Mon Espace." The photo competition aims to strengthen Franco-German friendship, promote artistic and international activity among students, and support the international activities of the Crous and Student Unions through the DSW and the Cnous. The photo competition thus aims to promote students' creative expressions while strengthening their commitment to the Franco-German friendship.
Photography contest 2024
2024 marked the eighth edition of the Franco-German Photo Competition. Around 566 students from Germany and France submitted their photos. From the multitude of interpretations of the theme MEIN RAUM | MON ESPACE, the members of the Franco-German jury (Cnous, DFJW and DSW, photographers and former prize winners) first made an individual pre-selection. The best photos of the competition were then selected during a meeting.
The winners of the competition on the theme of Mein Raum | Mon Espace
First place (1.000€): Paul Winning: comfortable uncomfortable, Studierendenwerk Frankfurt am Main
Second place (750€): Badr Lekhnati: Wir haben Rechte, Crous de Créteil
Third place (500€) – Franco-German Friendship Prize: Julius Heide: Zuhause ist ein räumliches Gefühlskonstrukt, StudierendenWERK Berlin
(Gemeinsames Konzept für das Motiv von Luisa Josefine Schmitz, Julius Heide, Veith Elsper, Emilia Popp, Paula Bönte und Sarah Hornemann)
In addition, the jury has selected another 21 photographs to be presented as part of a travelling exhibition in 2024/2025 in the participating Student Unions, in the French Crous and in the DFJW:
Further information on the project can be found at: https://www.concours-wettbewerb.eu/de/